Privacy Policy

Shaping the future of travel​

Book travel packages and enjoy your holidays with distinctive experience

Who we are

We – The GoTripio, are one of the leading organization delivering service in travel industry. We will cater the full spectrum of travel services in both In-bond and out-bond. Currently, we are providing our services in India, Mid-East Countries, Australia, Russia, France, Europe, Bali, Maldives, Mauritius, Malaysia, and Seychelles.


Privacy Policy

We believe that customer who books or looks for any services at has the right to know about the privacy policy that is followed by us. For the trust the client has on GoTripio, we value the right to your privacy. The idea of this policy is to educate the user as to what personal information is being collected  by us and where the same is being used. It describes the basis and application that apply to Personal Information (defined below) collected from users of our services (you) on our Site, in telephone or e-mail communications.

  •      Without your permission we will not collect your Personal Information 
  •      We will not knowingly disclose your Personal Information to third parties, except as provided in this Privacy Policy
  •      To protect the Personal Information we collect from you, we will take reasonable steps.


All the users who choose to register themselves on our website will be able to do online transactions with us. They will be able to purchase / book our services offered herein.

We will collect personal information from our register users in addition to the non-personal information. The personal information may include your name, email address, mailing address, telephone number, travel preferences, passport number, user name and password. We only collect that information which manually enter by you into our forms. We may store that information in a cookie file on your hard drive, to recognize user  whenever they visit to our site. To improve services and enhance personalization, we may periodically obtain information about you from other independent third-party sources and add it to your registration information.

If you visit our site by clicking-through one of our partners site, and you have registered with that, then certain information about you may be transmitted to us. We may or may not retain that information; if we do, then we will only use it in accordance with our privacy policy, regardless of the policy of the partner site from which you came to us.

Whenever you reached to our site by clicking on a link or advertisement on another site, then we also lumber that information. This helps us to understand the interests of our users and to maximize our internet exposure. 

How we use the personal information we collect

We use the personal information we collect to help both of us! Registering with us allows you to personalize our Web site so that it allows you to log into our site automatically, track your history of transactions. We may also use this information to provide some important information or to request your feedback on our site. 

If you have provided an email address, than we may use your personal information to send you notifications about special offers or opportunities available from our partners. You may opt-out of any or all marketing communications in any commercial e-mail we send or at any time, as well as access and update your personal information, by visiting


We encourage to the visitors of our website to register with us in order to book services and to take advantages. However, you may choose not to register and take advantage of any feature of our site where registration is not required.

 The information we collect from you is limited, If you do not register with us.

We log your IP address in order to help diagnose problems with our server, administer our Web site and track usage statistics.

Your IP address may vary each time of your visit, or it may be the same, depending on whether you access our site through an always-on type of Internet connection, or through a dial-up connection. Either way, it would be very difficult for us to identify you through your IP address, and we make no attempt to do so.

On your computer’s hard drive, we also place cookie (a small file). It may contain information that allows us to track your path through our Web site. Cookies cannot be used to read data of your hard drive, and cannot retrieve information from any other cookies created by other Web sites. We use cookies to help us understand  visitors usage on our site, and to help us to improve our website. Since cookies don’t provide us with any information from which we can identify you, we suggest you allow us to place one on your computer.

When you visit our site by clicking-through one of our partners website, and you have registered with that, then some of your information  may transmitted to us which you have provided to that partner. However, we don’t keep it unless you register with us